Monday, November 4, 2013

When will spring arrive in Newark?

What? you say, it's not even Thanksgiving and already you want to know when spring will arrive?!?

Well, we think spring in fall because this is the time for planting tulips and other bulbs. And as we have the last few years we will be participating in the "citizen science" project Journey North

Along with kids in schools all over the northern hemisphere we will plant Red Emperor tulips and record when they emerge and bloom.

"We are the pupils of the 5th Form from the Lycum #1557 in Zelenograd, Moscow, RUSSIA. On September 23rd, we planted 57 tulips." 

In order for it to be a "fair test" we will be following the same scientific protocol as other test gardens.  That means we plant the same variety of tulips, the same depth in the soil, the same distance apart, etc.  

Beginning very early in 2014, we will see other test gardens reporting their tulips as emerged, and then blooming.  You can see an animation of the "journey north" of spring on the map here.

All of this reporting gives us information about weather, climate and how those things affect plant development. It's really pretty cool.