Monday, January 28, 2013

We've got worms!

There was lots of excitement as we welcomed the newest members of the Harriet Tubman School community--WORMS !!
The science lab now has a brand new worm composting bin.  It is home to many, many redworms.  

 Students learned that while the plants we grow and study are producers and we (and many other animals) are consumers, worms are vitally important decomposers. Worms are full-time recyclers making our old banana peels and the fall's  leaves into black gold: rich soil for our garden.
 The worm bin will be a place where we can continue to look back to see the worms go through their fast and fun life cycle.
 You won't believe some of the wild facts we are learning about worms!

  • They have no eyes but can sense light!
  • They breathe through their skin!!
  • They have no ears but can "hear" vibrations through their bodies!!!

Stay tuned for more crazy worm facts!

Check out this cool video from the folks at Life Lab.