Harriet Tubman Elementary School had their yearly garden celebration!
We celebrated the student's hard-work and the garden's spring bounty this past June.
The day was a success- we had 195 teachers and students come out and enjoy the garden.

Ms. Rodriguez's 5th grade class cheesing for the camera.
had a scavenger hunt to find where different fruits/vegetables were growing in the garden, banner signing which we hope to display in the
cafeteria and produce tasting. We tasted peas and had a
kale/lettuce salad from the garden.

And we had popcorn and watermelon which we bought but we have growing in the garden.
There was a farm stand with produce from the garden at the end of the day
after dismissal and we met many parents. We want to continue to
have a farm stand once a week during the summer to engage the community
around the school.
Welcome to the garden.
Some of our Board Members visited.
What was the secret scavenger hunt message?
Lettuce (Let us), Turnip (Turn-up), the Beet (Beat)!
Central Ward Councilwoman's, Gayle Chaneyfield Jenkins, Chief of Staff, Larry Brown, stopped by and met/took a picture with Ms. Bruno's second grade class.
Did you know!?
Larry Brown and his children attended Harriet Tubman School.
Teachers and
students took home a plant.
Below is our fearless education staff (a big thank you to all you for making this day a success):
Sabrinah, our Director of Education
Sarah, our plant guru
Jamie, our Food Corps member
Megan, our Nutrition Instructor
Roqi, our college mentor
Shahira, our Outdoor Learning Center Manager and our mascot, her daughter Nayeli
And me, Erin, Education Program Coordinator.
Thank you to the teachers, staff, and students of Harriet Tubman Elementary school for great year. See you in September.
We havested the largest radish known to man!
Happy Gardening!!! Till next year's celebration :)